Lemon Chia Seed Muffins

This recipe is gluten and dairy-free. It is vegetarian but not vegan. Very fragrant with the lemon and a great source of omega 3 with the chia seeds. Ingredients (makes 20): 70g coconut flour 60g tapioca flour 20g chia seeds 1⁄2tsp salt ¼ tsp baking soda 2 tbsp lemon juice 4 tsp lemon zest 4…

Chicken and Squash Tagine

This recipe makes the perfect winter dinner party offering. It tastes great, looks sophisticated and – best of all – isn’t complicated to make. It’s just as good the next day if you’re eating up the leftovers. Ingredients (serves 6): 4 chicken breasts 3 tbsp olive oil 2 onions, 1 roughly chopped, 1 slice 100g…

Low Sugar Christmas Cake

This recipe is extracted from my e-book: 10 Christmas Treats the whole family will love. This Christmas Cake has a low glycemic load and is low in sugar and alcohol. For these reasons, it won’t keep for more than a week, but it can be frozen. Prep time: 30 mins + 24 hours (to soak…

Smoky Slow Cooker Lentil Chilli

INGREDIENTS (SERVES 5-6): 1 large onion 2 peppers (red, orange or yellow) 1 carrot 3 garlic cloves 200g dry red lentils 1 tbsp mild/medium chilli powder 1 tsp cumin 2 tsp smoked paprika 2 tins chopped tomatoes 2 tbsp tomato puree 2 vegetable stock cubes 450ml water Black pepper to taste 2 tins kidney beans 1…

Back to School

This month’s blog is all about surviving September, creating calm and feeling fantastic. I am guessing that you are reading this blog because you care about your health, right? Yet, does this scenario sound familiar: low energy, cravings, mid-afternoon slump, poor sleep, getting through the day high in caffeine or sugary snacks? I get it…

Moroccan Chickpea Soup

This warming Moroccan Chickpea Soup is ideal for quick lunches and great to batch cook and freeze for those busy days when you need a healthy and easy option. INGREDIENTS (SERVES 2-3): 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil 1 medium onion 2 cloves garlic 2 celery sticks 2 tsp ground cumin 600ml hot water 1…


This month’s blog is about SMARTER goal-setting strategy which is key to behaviour change and health improvement. How often do you reach your goals? If the answer is ‘not very often’, you may need to revisit your goal-setting strategy. Whether you want to see improvements in your health and fitness, or better relationships, the change…


What fires you up? Motivation is the key to all behaviour change. Motivation depends upon how much importance you attach to the change you want to make. Finding out what motivates and drives you is an essential step on your road to success in anything you do. The 10 point plan below will help you…

Jerk Prawns with Quinoa

INGREDIENTS: 450g raw shelled tiger prawns (jumbo shrimp) 200g quinoa 480ml vegetable stock (broth) 1 large ripe avocado 3 tbsp olive oil 6 spring onions (scallions), diced Juice of 1 lemon Handful of parsley, chopped A few chives, snipped Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 lime, cut into wedges, to serve INGREDIENTS: 450g raw…

Lifestyle Medicine

This blog post is all about using diet and lifestyle changes as preventative medicine. Is this something that you have ever considered? We have not evolved to require medication and we do not get sick as a result of medication deficiency. Find out below how the power of food can help chronic conditions. Modern medicine has…

Oat, Apricot and Brazil Nut Protein Bar

This really easy Oat, Apricot and Brazil nut raw protein bar is much healthier than many shop-bought versions. It is rich in thyroid-supporting minerals and great as a breakfast option when you are short of time and need something to balance your blood sugar levels. Ingredients (makes 12) 200g Brazil nuts 60g gluten-free oats 30g…

Cheesy Flaxseed Crackers

Whip up a batch of my Cheesy Flaxseed Crackers for a delicious (gluten-free) snack that can be served with some guacamole ( with healthy fats from flaxseeds and avocado!). Ingredients (makes 10) 50g grated Gruyère cheese (Parmesan also works well) 130g milled flaxseeds 2 tsp dried oregano ½ tsp chilli flakes ½ tsp salt Method…


In this blog post, I am talking all about the different kinds of dietary fats and how choosing the right kind of fat doesn’t make you fat. So many women come to me with hormonal imbalances after years of being told that low-fat is best. Not their fault if to this day they are still confused…

Maca Chocolate Bliss Balls

These Maca Chocolate Bliss Balls make an easy and delicious snack. Maca, a stress-busting superfood, is traditionally used for hormonal balance (I am talking about the whole endocrine system here) and to support your response to stress. Cacao polyphenols and antioxidants found in dark chocolate (also a great source of Magnesium) have also been shown…

All or Nothing

Books and magazines always have some handy, easy-to-follow advice to keep you healthy. “Just 5 minutes face yoga per day prevents wrinkles”, “get a flat tummy in just 10 minutes a day” or “a simple 30-minute walk at dawn ensures better sleep at night” … That’s 45 minutes before you have even started looking after the…

Chocolate Biscuits

This recipe is (healthier) chocolate biscuits because it is well-known that chocolate makes you happy! Did you know that chocolate contains the chemical phenylethylamine, which occurs naturally in your body and gives you the same boost you feel when you fall in love? Ingredients 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 large egg 4 tablespoons brown sugar 65g…

Good Mood Foods

The link between physical health and what you eat is well understood, but did you know that what you eat has a huge impact on your mood and how you feel? In my blog post below, I am sharing with you what foods can help raise your mood, reduce anxiety and help you get motivated.…

Butternut Squash Falafels

If you are giving ‘Veganuary’ a go this month, you’ll want to try my Butternut Squash Falafels. They are rich in fibre and in protein thanks to the chickpeas in them. Serve with a large salad or some cooked vegetables and ta-da, you’ll have a no-fuss, healthy, complete and balanced lunch option in a jiffy!…

Healthy Christmas

The festive season is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year and yet, the reality is that most of us probably have mixed feelings about it. Christmas can be stressful and overwhelming enough in ‘normal’ times, but it can seem worse this year where everything has been taken away from us. The…

Chocolate Fruit and Nut Balls

These Chocolate Fruit and Nut Balls are delicious and ideal as a sweet treat following your Christmas meal if you don’t want a heavy pudding. Or serve with tea/coffee later. They are high in protein, healthy fats and fibre and low in added sugar. Go on, you know you want to try them! Ingredients •…

Healthy Ageing

Just because you are getting older doesn’t mean that you have to put up with illness. Healthy ageing is possible and achievable. If you’re still young, start now. If you are already of an advanced age, start now. It’s never too late to get healthy. Find out how below! Over the last few decades, life…

Food Cravings

Are your cravings are all in your head or is your body is trying to tell you something? Find out below what cravings really reveal about your health. ARE YOU CRAVING SUGAR? One of the most common and documented cravings is, of course, sugar.  In recent years, articles in the press have suggested sugar is…

Eat Well For Less

Buying school uniforms, shoes and stationery for your children in September is a rather expensive business. Therefore, you may want to try to cut costs somewhere else and decide to review your food budget. So, is it really possible to eat healthy food on a tight budget? Yes, it is! Find out how below. MEAL…

Blackberry Pancakes

Blackberry Pancakes Recipe Blackberry Pancakes are amazing. Do you know anybody that doesn’t love pancakes? Try my dairy and gluten-free Blackberry Pancakes recipe as a healthy breakfast option. Guaranteed to deliver on taste! This recipe for Blackberry Pancakes Serves 3. You’ll need the following ingredients to make these. Ingredients • 120g oats • 30g mixed seeds (pumpkin/ sesame/sunflower)…